Margaret Brayne sues James and Cuthbert Burbage in Chancery court over her share of the Theatre playhouse profits. James Burbage deposes 16 February 1590/1. Last November Robert Miles came first to his son, Cuthbert Burbage, and then himself, demanding Margaret Brayne's share in the profits of the Theatre property. He cannot testify to his son's response, but himself told Miles that he was not compelled by the order of 13 November 1590 to relinquish anything to Margaret Brayne, explaining that the forfeiture of the lease to John Hyde had dissolved the terms of the arbitrament. Miles and Margaret Brayne also came to the Theatre and demanded their due, to which Burbage gave the same response. Around Michaelmas 1585, he and John Brayne granted one moiety of the Theatre profits to Henry Lanman, 'and bound themselves in great bonds for the performance thereof.' John Brayne arranged to mortgage the lease on the Theatre for a year, and then for another year, on the condition that the lease would be forfeit on non-payment of agreed sum. The lease was subsequently forfeit for non-payment.
Name | Event Role(s) | Document Role(s) |
Turner, Richard | arbitrator | |
Hill, John | arbitrator | |
Harris, ––– | attorney | |
Burbage, James | defendant | |
Burbage, Cuthbert | defendant | |
Hyde, John | mortgage holder | |
Brayne, John | playhouse financier | |
Miles, Robert | playhouse sharer | |
Lanman, Henry | playhouse sharer |