Viewing Event Record: The Gentlemen of Gray's Inn borrowed costumes from the Yeoman of the Queen's Revels


Thomas Gylles made his living letting out costumes for public and private entertainments. In 1571, he issued a complaint to Sir William Cecil, alleging that the Yeoman of the Queen's Revels was injuring his business and ruining the Queen's wardrobe by putting her dresses up for hire. In his complaint, Giles enumerates twenty-one known instances of this practice. Item 2 on his list is 'the yello cloth of golde gownes, lent to greyes In in Janarye.'

Date Event Recorded

From: circa 1571 (Source of claim: externally supplied)

Date Event Happened

From: January 1571 (Source of claim: original)


Inns of Court

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Event Type

  • company context