Margaret Brayne sues James and Cuthbert Burbage in Chancery over her share of the Theatre playhouse profits. Henry Lanman, owner of the Curtain, deposes 30 July 1592. Lanman claims to have heard that Burbage was in financial trouble when the Theatre was under construction, and that it was Brayne's money and credit that paid for the building, and refers to the abitrament made between Burbage and Brayne. Lanman then gives details of the agreement made just less than seven years ago, between himself, Burbage, and John Brayne, to share the profits of the Theatre and Curtain for a period of seven years. According to Lanman, 'the said Burbage and Braynes taking the Curten as an Esore to their playe housse did of ther own mocion move this Depo[t] that he wold agree that the proffittes of the said ij Playe howses might for vij yeres space be in Dyvydent betwene them.' Lanman says that Brayne received his due share of the profits until his death but after that Burbage soon began withholding the share of profits from Margaret Brayne, for which Lanman remonstrated with Burbage. Lanman estimates that since the death of John Brayne, Burbage has received 'one hundreth markes or fourscore poundes by the yere' as his share of the two playhouses.
Name | Event Role(s) | Document Role(s) |
Burbage, James | defendant | |
Burbage, Cuthbert | defendant | |
Lanman, Henry | deponent | gentleman |
Brayne, Margaret | plaintiff | |
Brayne, John | playhouse sharer |