Viewing Event Record: Chancery, Brayne v Burbage: The court orders the terms of the original arbitrament to be observed


Margaret Brayne sues James and Cuthbert Burbage in Chancery court over her share of the Theatre playhouse profits. After hearing from the lawyers on either side of the case, the court order that the original terms of the arbitrament drawn up by Richard Turner and John Hill in 1578 be observed, since neither side can show cause why that arbitrament should not still be in effect.

Date Event Recorded

From: 13 November 1590 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 13 November 1590 (Source of claim: original)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Turner, Richard arbitrator
Hill, John arbitrator
Harris, ––– counsel for the defense
Burbage, James defendant
Burbage, Cuthbert defendant
Brayne, Margaret plaintiff
Scott, ––– plaintiff's counsel
Brayne, John playhouse financier deceased, husband