Viewing Event Record: Pory to Scudamore: Captain Essex and Lord Thurles quarrel at the Blackfriars


John Pory describes in a newsletter to Viscount Scudamore an altercation which took place at the Blackfriars theatre between Captain Essex and the Lord Thurles. Essex and his stepmother had a box for the performance; Thurles stood on the stage in front of them and blocked their sight. He refused to move aside when asked to do so; when Essex tried to push him aside, Thurles drew his sword and attempted to run the Captain through.

Date Event Recorded

From: 4 February 1632 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: January 1632 (Source of claim: original)


Blackfriars (II)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Essex, née Paulet, Elizabeth audience member
Pory, John correspondent
Scudamore, John correspondent
Essex, Charles disputant
Butler, Walter disputant

Related Primary Sources

Event Type

  • dispute
  • playhouse context