Viewing Event Record: Testimony in Bishop Bancroft's visitation of St Paul's describes the condition of the choristers


Testimony in Bishop Bancroft's visitation of St Paul's, 1598–9, describes the condition of the choristers. They are 'well instructed and fitt for their places,' diligent and orderly in attending service, but 'they have not their gownes lyned as in former times was used, their surplice are most Comenlie uncleane, and their apparell not in such sorte as decencie becometh.' Personal untidiness notwithstanding, they are well provisioned, having 'sufficient allowance of meat and drinke.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 1598 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: 1598 (Source of claim: transcription)


St Paul's (II)

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  • company context