Viewing Event Record: Women maskers danced in the college yard: Ambrose Goldinge


Ambrose Goldinge, petty canon, testifies at Bishop Bancroft's visitation of St Paul's. He gives evidence about an incident involving a group of women masquers, who danced at Edward Slegges' house until midnight, and then made their way into the college yard, accompanied by their minstrel, and finally broke through the locked college gate. The women included Isabell Parker, wife of Robert Parker, bellringer; Edward Smythe's wife; Edward Owen's wife, and Mr Slegges' two daughters, Marie and Honor. He notes that they have since broken the gates open again, and complains that 'thereby the petticannons are subiecte to all wicked enterprises of Atheistes or treacherous persons or any other whatsoever.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 15 January 1599 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 15 January 1599 (Source of claim: original)


St Paul's (II)

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Event Type

  • playhouse context