Viewing Event Record: London Consistory, Newton vs Waters: Waters responds


Joan Waters responds to John Newton's suit against her to enforce a marriage contract. She admits she drank heavily and spoke with Newton, but not concerning marriage. After drinking for three hours, someone presented a note. She admits she signed a note, but was not aware of its contents. When her boy read the note to her two or three days later, she grieved at the deception and burned the note. She admits that Newton did attend her in her bedroom, but always in the company of others, including Newton's brother and sister. These parties ate in the bedroom because of Waters' pregnancy.

Date Event Recorded

From: 17 April 1611 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: October 1610 To: February 1611 (Source of claim: transcription)


Boar's Head


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Newton, ––– brother
Waters, Joan defendant widow
Newton, John plaintiff
Newton, ––– sister

Event Type

  • court case
  • player context