Viewing Event Record: The Blackfriars inhabitants petition the Lord Mayor for help with the crowds around the playhouse


Twenty-four of the inhabitants of the Blackfriars precinct sign a petition to the Lord Mayor, asking for help in controlling the crowds of people coming to the playhouse, 'that we may go to our houses in safety and enjoy the benefit of the streets without apparent danger.'

Date Event Recorded

From: circa 1619 (Source of claim: externally supplied)

Date Event Happened

From: circa 1619 (Source of claim: externally supplied)


Blackfriars (II)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Fullerton, James petitioner
Hoby, Thomas Posthumous petitioner
Peyton, Mary petitioner
Clere, Agnes petitioner
Finch, Agnes petitioner
Rowe, William petitioner
Emerson, Thomas petitioner
Browne, Richard petitioner
Hill, Elizabeth petitioner
Onslewe, Elizabeth petitioner
Alured, Thomas petitioner
Osborne, Edward petitioner
Sadler, Edmund petitioner
Darcy, Grace petitioner
Carr, Edward petitioner
Peyton, Thomas petitioner
Bowyer, Katherine petitioner
Rigdon, Ro[bert] petitioner
Curle, Ed[ward] petitioner
Argent, John petitioner
Rogers, Thomas petitioner
Putto, Ric[ard]o petitioner
Egerton, John petitioner
Delane, Paul petitioner

Event Type

  • playhouse context