Viewing Event Record: Richard and Cuthbert Burbage take possession of the Blackfriars property


Richard and Cuthbert Burbage purchase the Blackfriars property and tenements held by Sir Richard Michelborne and the Poole brothers for 150l.

Date Event Recorded

From: 30 May 1610 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 30 May 1610 (Source of claim: original)


Blackfriars (II)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Michelborne, Cordelia estate claimant
Fenton, Christopher late tenant
Burbage, Richard property buyer
Burbage, Cuthbert property buyer
Michelborne, Sir Richard property holder
Poole, George property holder
Poole, Charles property holder
Poole, Henry property holder
Archer, Henry tenant clockmaker
Magnus, Agnes tenant
Clarke, John tenant
Poole, Margaret tenant

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Event Type

  • deed
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context