Viewing Event Record: Thomas Cawarden's land grant prompts a survey of the Blackfriars property


A land grant to Sir Thomas Cawarden prompts a survey of the Blackfriars property. The document provides details of the grounds which were eventually to house the Blackfriars theatre.

Date Event Recorded

From: 4 January 1549 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 4 January 1549 (Source of claim: original)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Sackfield, Richard chancellor of the Court of Augmentations
Brooke, George landowner
Losse, Hugh surveyor
Barne, John tenant
Ager, Sir Anthony tenant
Hosier, Peter tenant
Holt, ––– tenant
Patridge, ––– tenant
Southcote, ––– tenant
Kingston, ––– tenant
Brion, Francis tenant
Walsingham, ––– tenant
Barnett, John tenant
Griffith, Morris tenant
Rochester, Archdeacon of tenant
Hoby, Phillip tenant
Cheney, Thomas tenant
Kirkham, Robert tenant
Harper, ––– tenant
–––, Francis tenant
Morris, Christopher tenant
Portinary, John tenant

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Event Type

  • playhouse context