Viewing Event Record: Lord Cobham buys a mansion house on the Blackfriars estate


In 1546, Lord Cobham bought a mansion house on the Blackfriars estate; the building, Feuillerat notes, is consistently cited as the northernmost limit of the Blackfriars theatre. The purchase record provides details of its precise situation.

Date Event Recorded

From: 29 August 1546 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 29 August 1546 (Source of claim: original)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Mildmay, Thomas auditor
Brooke, William property buyer
Brooke, William property buyer
Hawby, John scribe
Guildford, Jane tenant
Baker, John witness
Southwell, Ry witness
North, Edward witness

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Event Type

  • playhouse context