Viewing Event Record: The Lord Mayor asks the Lord Chamberlain to intervene against Philip Rosseter on the city's behalf


The lord Mayor writes to the lord Chamberlain regarding the projected new playhouse at Puddle Wharf. Jolles reminds the lord Chamberlain of the privy council order against the construction, notes that Rosseter nevertheless proceeds with his plans, and asks the lord Chamberlain to intervene on the City's behalf.

Date Event Recorded

From: 21 August 1616 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 21 August 1616 (Source of claim: original)


Porter's Hall


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Herbert, William Lord Chamberlain
Hayes, Thomas lord mayor (former)
Jolles, John lord mayor of London
Rosseter, Philip playhouse entrepreneur

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Event Type

  • playhouse context
  • playhouse restraint