Viewing Event Record: Requests, Burbage v Allen: Philip Baker deposes


In response to Giles Allen's suit against Peter Street over the Theatre playhouse property, Cuthbert Burbage sues Allen in the court of Requests. Philip Baker deposes 26 April 1600. Baker says that Allen told him that James Burbage delivered a new lease which Allen refused to sign on the grounds that the new lease was not 'verbatim agreeable' with the terms of the original, and that Burbage was behind on his rent. In this and other questions, Baker answers that Allen's word is the only source of his knowledge of the events in question. He has no knowledge of the cost or state of improvements to the Theatre properties made by the Burbages, but has heard that John Brayne was involved in financing the Theatre. Baker does affirm that Burbage has dealt fairly with his tenants, because he was one of Burbage's tenants.

Date Event Recorded

From: 26 April 1600 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 26 April 1600 (Source of claim: original)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Burbage, Ellen administratrix
Allen, Giles defendant
Baker, Philip deponent
Burbage, Cuthbert plaintiff
Burbage, James playhouse owner
Brayne, John playhouse sharer

Event Type

  • court case
  • playhouse business