Viewing EMLoT Transcription Record:
Primary Source Transcribed
- Primary author(s)
- Title
- TNA: C 54/2515/11
- Publication Year
- 27 December 1621 (Source of claim: original)
Primary Source as Cited in Secondary Source
- Authors
- Title / MS reference
- PRO, C.54/2515/11
- Transcription notes
- contractions expanded in italics; fully transcribed; original deletions indicated by brackets; original spelling and punctuation retained
- Transcription Record notes
- Berry's transcriptions of this document in 'Boar's Head Playhouse' (189) and 'Boar's Head Again' (42n. 22) reference it as PRO, C54/2515/11. In 'English Professional Theatre' he references it as PRO, C54/2515/71 on page 491 and as PRO, C54/2471 on page 487. PRO, C54/2471 is the reference to Thomas Needler's 1621 contract for his portion of the Boar's Head (see 'Boar's Head Playhouse' 186 and 'Boar's Head Again' 42n. 22.