Viewing EMLoT Transcription Record: 6774

Location of Transcription (in Secondary Source)

Primary author(s)
Berry, Herbert
Where Was the Playhouse in which the Boy Choristers of St Paul's Performed Plays?
Publication Year
2000 (Source of claim: original)
Page/folio/ membrane(s)
116, n 29

Primary Source Transcribed

Primary author(s)
LMA: CLC/313/C/001/MS25630/002
Publication Year
1560 - 1575 (Source of claim: externally supplied)
Page/folio/ membrane(s)
ff 111–12

Primary Source as Cited in Secondary Source

Title / MS reference
GL, MS 25,630/2, ff. 111-12


Transcription notes
excerpted; original spelling and punctuation retained