Viewing EMLoT Transcription Record: 6728

Location of Transcription (in Secondary Source)

Primary author(s)
Bowers, Roger
The Playhouse of the Choristers of St Paul's, c. 1575-1608
Publication Year
2000 (Source of claim: undefined)
Page/folio/ membrane(s)
73; 83 n 17

Primary Source Transcribed

Primary author(s)
LMA: CLC/313/C/001/MS25630/003
Publication Year
1576 - 1591 (Source of claim: externally supplied)

Primary Source as Cited in Secondary Source

Title / MS reference
GL, MS 25630/3, f. 106a; MS 25,630/4, f. 12b


Transcription notes
excerpted; original spelling retained
Transcription Record notes
Bowers cites both LMA: CLC/313/C/001/MS25630/003 and LMA: CLC/313/C/001/MS25630/004. It is unclear which he is quoting; this record assumes the latter.