Viewing EMLoT Transcription Record:
Primary Source Transcribed
- Primary author(s)
- Title
- TNA: REQ 2/87
- Publication Year
- 1558 - 1603 (Source of claim: externally supplied)
- Section
- no 74
Primary Source as Cited in Secondary Source
- Authors
- Title / MS reference
- PRO, Req.2/184/45
- Transcription notes
- dating error; excerpted; original spelling and punctuation retained; parenthetical note(s); transcription error(s)
- Transcription Record notes
- REQ 2/87 is numbered 1–74 in the TNA catalogue.
EPT, p 370, provides an incorrect date and shelfmark for this record. The date it gives, 10 October 1600, does appear on the reverse of the document and appears to be the date that the depositions were either sealed to be sent to the court, or received by the court.