Viewing Document Record: BL: Add MS 34110


BL: Add MS 34110
Full title
BL: Add MS 34110, 'Accompt-book of the Overseers of 'Parish [sc. Paris] Gardens Liberty,' in the parish of St. Saviour, Southwark, from 17 May, 1608, to 30 Sept. 1671'
Publication date
17 May 1608 - 30 September 1671 (Source of claim: externally supplied)

Copy/Copies Consulted

British Library, London, UK

Meta Type

  • primary source

Citation Type

  • manuscript

Document Type

  • accounts

Document Class

  • parochial

Production Auspices

  • Overseers of the Poor of Paris Garden


  • English

Country of Origin

  • England