Viewing Document Record:
The Union of the Two Noble and Illustrious Families of Lancaster and York
- Primary author(s)
- Hall, Edward
- Title
- The Union of the Two Noble and Illustrious Families of Lancaster and York
- Full title
- The vnion of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre [and] Yorke, beyng long in continuall discension for the croune of this noble realme with al the actes done in both the tymes of the princes, both of the one linage [and] of the other, beginnyng at the tyme of kyng Henry the fowerth, the first aucthor of this deuision, and so successiuely proceadi[n]g to ye reigne of the high and prudent prince kyng Henry the eyght, the indubitate flower and very heire of both the saied linages. Whereunto is added to euery kyng a seuerall table
- Publication date
- 1550 (Source of claim: original)
Copy/Copies Consulted
- Repository
- British Library, London, UK
- Short Title Number
- STC: 12723