Viewing Document Record: The Chronicles of England


Primary author(s)
Holinshed, Raphael
The Chronicles of England
Full title
The Third volume of Chronicles, beginning at duke William the Norman, comonlie called the Conqueror; and descending by degrees of yeeres to all the kings and queenes of England in their orderlie successions: first compiled by Raphaell Holinshed, and by him extended to the yeare 1577. Now newlie recognized, augmented, and continued (with occurrences and accidents of fresh memorie) to the yeare 1586. wherein also are conteined manie matters of singular discourse and rare observation, fruitful to such as be studious in antiquities, or take pleasure in the grounds of ancient histories. With a third table (peculiarlie serving this third voume) both of names and matters memorable. Historiae placeant nostrates ac peregrinae.
Place of publication
Publication date
To: 1586 (Source of claim: original)

Copy/Copies Consulted

Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino CA, USA
Short Title Number
Early English Books Online

Meta Type

  • primary source

Citation Type

  • book

Document Type

  • chronicle

Document Class

  • historical

Production Auspices

  • single author


  • English

Country of Origin

  • England