Viewing Document Record:
Epigram 22
- Primary author(s)
- Taylor, John
- Title
- Epigram 22
- Secondary title
- Taylor's Water-Work
- Full secondary title
- Taylors water-worke: or the scullers travels, from Tiber to Thames with his boat laden with a hotch-potch, or gallimawfrey of sonnets, satyres, and epigrams. With an inkhorne disputation betwixt a lawyer and a poet: and a quarterne of new catcht epigrames, caught the last fishing-tide: together with an addition of pastorall equivocques, or the complaint of a shepheard
- Place of publication
- London
- Publisher
- Nathaniel Butter
- Publication date
- 1614 (Source of claim: original)
- Pagination
- G4
Copy/Copies Consulted
- Repository
- Early English Books Online
- Short Title Number
- STC: 23792