Viewing Document Record:
A Monster Lately Found out and Discovered
- Primary author(s)
- Rawlidge, Richard
- Title
- A Monster Lately Found out and Discovered
- Full title
- A Monster Lately Found out and Discovered, or the scourging of Tiplers, the ruine of Bacchus, and the bane of Tapsters. Wherein is plainly set forth all the lawes of the Kingdome, that be now in force against Ale-house keepers, Drunkards, and haunters of Alehouses, with all the paines and penalties in the same lawes. With sundry of their cunning inventions, hatched out of the Divells store-house, and daily practised by Ale-house-keepers, Tapsters, &c. With an easie way to reforme all such disorders.
- Place of publication
- London
- Publication date
- 1628 (Source of claim: original)
Copy/Copies Consulted
- Repository
- Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino CA, USA
- Short Title Number
- STC: 20766