Viewing Document Record:
The White Devil
- Primary author(s)
- Webster, John
- Title
- The White Devil
- Full title
- The White Devil, Or, The Tragedy of Paulo Giordano Vrsini, Duke of Brachiano, With The Life, and Death, of Vittoria Corombona, the famous Venetian Curtizan. As it hath bin diuers times Acted, by the Queenes Maiesties seruants, at the Phoenix, in Drury-lane. Written by Iohn Webster. Non inferiora secutus.
- Edition
- 2nd
- Place of publication
- London
- Publisher
- Hugh Perry; J. N.
- Publication date
- 1631 (Source of claim: original)
Copy/Copies Consulted
- Repository
- Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino CA, USA
- Short Title Number
- STC: 25179
- Database
- Early English Books Online