Viewing Document Record:
A North Country Song
- Primary author(s)
- d'Avenant, William (externally supplied) (uncertain); M., J. ; S., Ja. ; D., J.
- Title
- A North Country Song
- Full title
- A North Countrey Song
- Secondary title
- Wit and Drollery
- Full secondary title
- Wit and Drollery, Jovial Poems. Never before Printed. By Sir J. M. Ja: S. Sir W. D. J. D. And other admirable Wits. Ut Nectar Ingenium
- Place of publication
- London
- Publisher
- Nath. Brook
- Publication date
- 1656 (Source of claim: original)
- Pagination
- 75-8
Copy/Copies Consulted
- Repository
- British Library, London, UK
- Short Title Number
- Wing: 3131
- Database
- Early English Books Online