Viewing Document Record:
- Primary author(s)
- Marlowe, Christopher (externally supplied)
- Title
- Tamburlaine
- Full title
- Tamburlaine the Great. Who, from a Scythian Shephearde, by his rare and woonderfull Conquests, became a most puissant and mightye Monarque. And (for his tyranny, and terrour in Warre) was tearmed, The scourge of God. Devided into two Tragicall Discourses, as they were sundrie times shewed upon Stages in the Citie of London. By the right honorable the Lord Admyrall, his servauntes. Now first, and newlie published
- Place of publication
- London
- Publisher
- Richard Jhones
- Publication date
- 1590 (Source of claim: original)
Copy/Copies Consulted
- Repository
- Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino CA, USA
- Short Title Number
- STC: 17425
- Database
- Early English Books Online