Viewing Document Record:
A Godly Exhortation
- Primary author(s)
- Field, John
- Title
- A Godly Exhortation
- Full title
- A godly exhortation, by occasion of the late judgement of God, shewed at Parris-garden, the thirteenth day of Januarie: where were assembled by estimation above a thousand persons, whereof some were slaine; & of that number, at the least, as is crediblie reported, the thirde person maimed and hurt. Given to all estates for their instruction, concerning the keeping of the Sabboth day
- Place of publication
- London
- Publisher
- Henry Carre; Robert Waldegrave
- Publication date
- 1583 (Source of claim: original)
Copy/Copies Consulted
- Repository
- British Library, London, UK
- Short Title Number
- STC: 10844.8
- Database
- Early English Books Online