Viewing Document Record: A Countercuff to Martin Junior


Primary author(s)
Nashe, Thomas (externally supplied)
A Countercuff to Martin Junior
Full title
A Countercuffe given to Martin Junior: by the venturous, hardie, and renowned Pasquill of England, Cavaliero. Not of olde Martins making, which newlie knighted the Saints in Heaven, with rise up Sir Peter and Sir Paule; But lately dubd for his service at home in the defence of his Countrey, and for the cleane breaking of his staffe uppon Martins face
Place of publication
[John Charlewood]
Publication date
circa 1589 (Source of claim: externally supplied)

Copy/Copies Consulted

British Library, London, UK
Short Title Number
STC: 19456.5
Early English Books Online

Meta Type

  • primary source

Citation Type

  • book

Document Type

  • pamphlet

Document Class

  • satirical

Production Auspices

  • single author


  • English

Country of Origin

  • England